
Благодарение на партньорството между Българска стопанска камара (БСК) и Enterprise Europe Network, на платформата на БСК за отворени иновации са публикувани 6 нови предизвикателства отправени от Дортмунд, Германия. 

Новите предизвикателства са:

  • BVB Emotions for the Asian market

Unfortunately, precisely the stadium visit, the foundation of a true emotional BVB-experience, is only possible for their supporters in Dortmund itself. Especially for our fans and partners in Asia, they want to create an emotional BVB-experience together with you - individual & distinctive. Let's take fans worldwide on a BVB journey together.

  • MEGLA Corporate Challenge DOaccelerate 2022

Fault reporting is an essential element in the context of keeping data platforms and other software systems running as smoothly as possible. Globally installed customer systems constantly deliver data to the company in order to map running processes continuously and to identify malfunctions or irregularities at the same time. In this challenge they are looking for a solution that records the resulting data, classifies it, and transmits productive recommendations to our employees.

  • Rhenus Corporate Challenge DOaccelerate 2022

Monitoring global supply chains and always looking a little into the future is a constant challenge in order to find perfect solutions for our internal processes, but above all for the logistical challenges of our clients - especially when geopolitical factors become more dynamic. In order to monitor our locations and cooperation partners, logistic hot spots, supply chains, freight routes and to develop a holistic decision-making tool, the company is looking for a digital solution that integrates and connects multiple data sources and provides the basis for better decisions via a multi-variant dashboard.

  • Perfect Business Match Corporate Challenge DOaccelerate 2022

The goal of the Challenge is the realization / customization of a digital platform that enables a matching of companies with new products & product ideas in a (partially) automated way. This platform is to provide companies in the electrical appliance industry with access to new features, materials and products and, based on the expressed requirements, search for possible solutions worldwide and make suggestions for linking. At the same time, an assessment is to be made of which business models are suitable for the companies' fields of activity.

  • Bartels Mikrotechnik Corporate Challenge DOaccelerate 2022

The company is active in two main business areas: engineering services and product development. The defined goal of the Challenge is to find new applications for Bartels' products and components and to develop new products in cooperation with innovative startups to use increasing available market potential.

  •  Compleo Corporate Challenge DOaccelerate 2022 

They are looking for products and concepts (sensors, data analytics, etc.) that monitor the current status of a charging station and communicate critical status messages via dashboard or signaling. A solution should be as easy to use as possible, and tie in with existing product developments.

Платформата за отворени иновации на БСК свързва фирми и институции със стартъпи за решаване на конкретен проблем или разработка на ново решение в определена област. Ние сме тук, за да:​ 
  • подкрепим бизнеса и администрацията за намиране на нови иновативни решения на съществуващи или нововъзникващи проблеми;

  • осигурим възможност на стартъпите за сътрудничество и партньорства с големи компании;

  • усъвършенстваме процеса за open innovation в България;

  • подпомогнем по-доброто развитие на екосистемата за иновации

За да разгледате пълното описание на дадено прeдизвикателство и да кандидатствате, трябва първо да се регистрирате в платформата ТУК.


Дата: 06.07.2022

Източник: БСК

Прочетено: 1032